Review of My Buda Juice Cleanse

I received a lot of questions from y’all regarding the one day juice cleanse I did a few weeks back, so I figured I would do a review post on it! I am going to give a brief description of each juice, what it does for you, and the order in which you drink them.
Juice #1
No 01 Green
spinach, cucumber, celery, apple, lemon, ginger, kale, parsley
The greens in this juice fill your body with nutrients and energy to give you a kick-start to you day. This juice helps you begin the toxin cleansing process. You want to drink No 01 Green first thing when you wake up. 
Juice #2
No 04 Blue Lemonade
apple, cucumber, lemon
Blue Lemonade is designed to quench your thirst, keep you hydrated, detox your liver, and aid in digestion. Drink No 04 Blue Lemonade mid-morning or two-three hours after you have No 01 Green.
Juice #3
No 02 Red
celery, beet, apple, ginger, parsley
The red juice is all about the beets (yuck, i know). The beets detox your blood, fill you up, fight inflammation, and give you the energy boost you need to get you through the afternoon slumps. Drink No 02 Red for lunch or two-three hours after No 04 Lemonade.
Juice #4
No 04 Blue Lemonade
apple, cucumber, lemon
Same as above. Drink two-three hours after No 02 Red.
Juice #5
Buda Bastille Soup or No 03 Orange
carrot, orange, apple, cucumber
For this juice, you have the choice of either the bastille soup or No 03 Orange. I chose the orange juice, because the texture on the soup was a little too much for me. The orange juice is a bit of a break from the cleansing process and fills you with more delicious veggies. Drink for dinner or two-three hours after No 04 Blue Lemonade.
Juice #6
Buda Almond Milk
filtered water, almond, vanilla, cinnamon, cardamom
Finish off your cleanse with this dessert-like drink. This drink was delicious and the combination of cinnamon and almond milk was the perfect end to the cleanse. Drink for dessert or two-three hours after No 03 Orange.
Overall, I was satisfied with the Buda Juice Cleanse. The juices were all fairly easy to drink (scratch that, chug) and were all very refreshing. I am not going to lie: it was extremely hard. There were definitely moments that I just wanted to give up and order a pizza, but I am really glad I did not. The key to staying full and hydrated throughout the day is to drink a full glass of water in between juices. What I did was rinse out my glass jar after finishing a juice, fill it with water, and drink that before drinking my next juice. To answer the obvious question, yes you have to make frequent bathroom runs, but that is just part of it. So I would definitely say to do this cleanse on a day where you do not have too much to do. In the end, I dropped a few pounds, my stomach flattened out, and I woke up the next day with so much natural energy that I didn’t even need a cup of coffee. It made me crave healthy food, which is not normal for me. I would highly recommend this to anyone, because I think the results are worth the one day struggle of juicing. 
If you have any other questions I didn’t answer about this juice cleanse, feel free to ask me below!
Have a great Friday y’all!
XOXO, Nikki